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DEFENDING the Municipality’s independence, sustainability and values


LISTENING to the community


ACTING in response to community needs and aspirations

There is a clear distinction between Independents and Liberals.


A Vote for Independents

is a Vote for Democracy

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Stop Public Land Sell Off

Parts of our public land are being prepared to be sold off. We must preserve our beautiful open spaces, laneways and trees. Our public land provides valuable green canopiy and open space which is important for our wellbeing, waterway access and biodiversity.


Stop Council Secrecy


Decisions have been made behind CLOSED DOORS. This lack of transparency creates community distrust and diminishes confidence in council decisions.


Protect your voice and your right to be involved in local issues.


The decision to construct a Works Depot on lower Boronia Park was made without informing the community.


This is reprehensible. It will reduce amenities and pose many safety risks to park users.


Its close proximity to the bush and the river will have a negative impact on the environment and wildlife.


Restore Our Tree Canopy

Our tree canopy continues to decline with recent unacceptable tree loss. It is now at 33%, which is well below the Governments 40% target to mitigate urban heat.


We must act to reduce illegal tree felling and improve tree coverage on both public and private land.


Repair the Budget

The operational budget has continued to deterioate to $2.9 million in deficit at the end of 2023/24. This needs better management.

Asset sales and grants are not the solution to fill the gap.


Planning and Development

Planning Review – LEP and DCP are fundamental to the protection of our lifestyle, amenities, heritage, and unique garden suburb.


We need to strengthen conservation and garden areas - not reduce them as proposed.


State Government Housing Reforms - There is a high degree of uncertainty about them.


We need to be vigilant and advocate to prevent inappropriate development in the wrong locations.


Prevent Poor Planning

We must protect against inappropriate development such as:

  • Woolwich Marina -The proposed expansion will have a massive impact on residental amenities, public waterway use, heritage, and Kelly’s Bush,

  • Montefiore proposal to remove nursing home beds and create excessive 6 storey luxury apartments,

  • Failure to Enforce Development Compliance continues to have a deleterious impact on the community.




Council must act to support residents affected by poor planning and development. There will be long term unwanted consequences for our Municipality if this is not addressed.


Effective Transport and Traffic

Advocate for traffic management and public transport community consultation.


No more Farnell Street debacles. Residents were not even consulted prior to the installation of traffic calming measures.


Project Delivery

Ensure timely and quality outcomes are achieved across project delivery. “Do it right the first time”. Reduce delays and costly budget overuns.




Why does Figtree Park not yet have the promised toilet facilities and improved drainage? Why was contaminated soil at Boronia Park not identified before construction started? - This is a costly project failure.

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