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Ross Williams to run for Mayor 2017

THE WEEKLY TIMES -  Wednesday 19 July 2017

Former Hunters Hill Mayor Ross Williams (pictured) will be running for Mayor again at the September 9 local government elections.

Mr Williams served as Hunters Hill Mayor from 1989 until 1993 and served as a councillor from 1987 until 1999.

He told The Weekly Times his agenda is to strengthen and maintain Hunters Hill’s independence and local democracy as well as strengthen ties between the council, the community and local business.

He has been a passionate fighter against the Berejiklian Government’s proposed forced merger of Hunters Hill and Lane Cove and said “the big issue” is to ensure that local decisions continue to be made by local people on a local council.

“Hunters Hill deserves to have a Mayor who is local, independent and is not a member of a political party,” he said.

Mr Williams will campaign to support the NO case in the council’s election day poll question which asks voters if they support the proposed forced merger.

“I urge locals to reject the State governments flawed process and resoundingly vote NO in the Poll to be held on election day,” he said.

Ross believes that political parties have no place in local council affairs and questioned why the Liberal Party – led by a Premier hell bent on forced mergers – would run candidates in a municipality the Liberal Party wants to abolish.

“If you’re going to run in Hunters Hill then at least be committed to Hunters Hill,” he said.

“I’m one hundred per cent committed whether it be to computer classes for our seniors, to festivals such as Moocooboola and to our local Development Control Plan and our Local Environment Plan.

“I’m also committed to robust council meetings where everyone is treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

“I further believe that openness and transparency is essential for a local council and as being responsive, efficient and effective,” he said.

“I’ll be a Mayor who listens and responds to local people and my whole life has been built around protecting the environment, our built heritage and our community.”

Ross Williams owns and manages his own consultancy firm which specialises in environmental management and he has an extensive background in State government.

His background is as a scientist and he has lived in Mary Street, Hunters Hill since 1983.

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